Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Manly, Harleys & Beer

Sydney's Iconic View
I met an Aussie on the flight over who said that a ferry ride up to the suburb of Manly was a very good way to spend an afternoon.  The ferry runs right from Circular Quay and leaves every 30 minutes for the ~20 minute journey.  Some time spent poking around the Internet before I went found one of Australia's oldest craft breweries right at the Manly warf, and North Beaches Harley-Davidson a short Uber ride to the north.  Sounds like a Manly kind of day!

Departing Circular Quay
The ferry ride itself is amazing with views of the city, the Opera House, and the Harbor Bridge - along with great views of the many coves and beachfront homes that make up I'm sure some of the most expensive houses in Sydney.

Sydney Opera House
The Opera House is an amazing structure from all angles.  I wonder if Pearl Jam ever played there?

Manly living
Manly would be to Sydney what Bainbridge Island is to Seattle.  Close enough for a commute if necessary, but a world away in terms of pace.

From the inner protected warf, it's a 5 minute walk across a pedestrian plaza lined with bikini and surfboard shops to the ocean beach.  As I arrived, a stage was being set up for Manly's Evening Jazz program which unfortunately doesn't start until the weekend when I'll be long gone.

Manly Beach
From Manly Beach, I grabbed an Uber for a 10 minute ride up to North Beaches Harley-Davidson with the idea of checking out the inventory and costs relative to the US, and of course, to buy a t-shirt.  In the end, it turned out to be pretty much same-same but with heavy emphasis on Sportsters and other smaller bare bones models  Not so much of the big baggers that are pushed in my local shop.  Owner of the shop says the roads in Australia are not as good as in the US - no freeways, mostly rural 2 lane roads, so I guess less of the 80mph, 500 mile days that are typical of cross  country rides in the States.

After beaches and bikes, you of course need beer - so Uber back to the warf and to the 4 Pines brewpub sitting up on the 2nd floor just across from the ferry landing.  Enjoyed a nice pint of New Zealand Pale Strong ale along with some bread and hummus and some tasty calamari & finished with a short time in the brewhouse with the head brewer who shared tastes of a couple of experimental beers - one brewed with hemp seed and one with seaweed.  Both were excellent!

Micro Beers on the balcony
I was really impressed by this brewpub and the brewer.  They seem to be really into the craft and trying new things, brewing over 60 different styles each year I'm told.  The great thing about brewpubs is that it really allows for that kind of experimentation.  These guys also can their beers for the outside market, and seem to have a good balance to should provide for good income while still being "craft".

4 Pines Brewhouse
Heading back to Sydney, I get the reverse view of things which is no less wonderful.

It's been a good day!

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